IoT-based Temperature Monitoring
In a building, unanticipated and abrupt temperature changes are mainly caused by the characteristics of its architecture: shape, size, number of windows, skylights, etc. This could cause discomfort or health issues to people exposed to its environment.
For this reason, this project presents the development and implementation of a remote temperature measurement system, which collects data inside a building and shows temperature information to any device connected to its local network. The system consists of 4 nodes, each built with an 8-bit microcontroller, a temperature sensor, and a radio frequency transceiver, and a main node, based on a Raspberry.
I was the developer of the RF communication firmware and the low power consumption design. A huge accomplishment of the project is that its paper was published on INTERCON 2019, whose author and main speaker was me.
- IoT
- Firmware development
- Microcontrollers
- Radiofrequency